Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Get Rich or Die Trying

When most of you read that you'll think isn't that something that 50 cent said ..well yes lol but i'd use it here in another more important context. The 'rich' i want to share with you today is the being rich in the eyes of Allah swt not the material wealth most of us asscoiate with being rich. 

I was just sitting here thinking randomly about my life, what i've done, said and thought, what i haven't done, when the question came to my mind, if i die tomorrow will i have enough to get me a ticket (so to speak) to paradise? My answer is helll no! 
So i sat here trying to find a way out of this problem, and then it came to me, and this is when i really started to realise how i could make it inshAllah.. 
Paradise as most know cannot be attained without good deeds, and i personally have realised it is difficult to do a good deed yet so easy to do a bad one so i came up with an easy way to try and keep the good deeds up through a simple comparison; 
our good deeds and bad deeds are like money! Our deeds are only fully known by Allah whereas the full amount of money we own is probably only known by the bank we keep it in. 
When one becomes so wrapped up in this world we end up needing money to enjoy it right? But we all know as muslims that we are only travellers in the world, so why are people killing each other over money?!?! (oil etc) Instead of saving up the paper we need to go and get an advice slip from the bank of Allah and his Prophet pbuh. 
If i really want Paradise i must pay for it, i dont need money, no and i sure dont need gold, or cars or a house to do that. I need belief, of course, worship, of course and lastly i need my good deeds. 
Think of it this way, when we were babys we had a savings account ready made by Allah swt which was full of good deeds already, (babys can do no wrong) as we grew older we either kept that money or the bad deeds we started to gather together were the withdrawals we made from the cashpoint, so think of all the times we've ever done something wrong and weigh it out with the good, the more bad deeds the less money you have, we may even be in our overdraft by now. The only way we can earn more 'money' is by doing more good. Because at the end of the day, we all want to be left with a glowing bank statement which will give us a one way ticket to Paradise inshAllah. 
What im trying to say, if its not too late for me to get out of my overdraft we can all do it with a little effort, the smallest of deeds go a long way, a smile, helping out with the parents, small donations to charity, loving your brothers and sisters in Islam..you guys know the deal ! However i'd like to add we are not meant to purchase Paradise with our good deeds, i am just making a comparison everyone can relate to, because we can only enter Paradise through the mercy and grace of Allah swt. 

“Almighty Allah says: “And We shall strip away all rancor from their hearts - beneath them will be rivers flowing - and they shall say: ‘Praise be to Allah, Who guided us on to this. Had it not been for Allah Who granted us guidance, we would not have found guidance. Surely, the Messengers of our Lord did come with Truth.’ Then a voice will cry to them, ‘Behold! This is the Paradise which you are made to inherit as a reward for your deeds.’” (Al-A`raf: 43) 

I'd like to finish with a hadith : 

Prophet Muhammad (S) said: "There is no person who does not have the obligation of doing charity every day that the sun rises." Whereupon he was asked: "O Messenger of Allah (SWT), from where would we get something to give in charity (so often)?" Prophet Muhammad (S) replied: "Indeed the gates to goodness are many: glorifying Allah (SWT), praising Him, magnifying Him, saying 'There is no god but Allah', enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, removing (any source of harm from the road, listening to the aggrieved, guiding the blind, showing the seeker his need, striving as far as your two legs could carry you and with deep concern to give succour to him who asks, carrying with the strength of your arms (the burdens of) the weak. All these are acts of charity which are an obligation on you." And Prophet Muhammad (S) added: "And your smiling in the face of your brother is charity, your removing of stones and thorns from people's paths is charity, and your guiding a man gone astray in the world is charity for you." (sorry i do not have the exact location of which book this hadith came from :s) 

Forgive me for any mistakes made in this note, forgive me for any wrong i may have ever done to you generally i am truly sorry, and pray for me and my family please :) thank you for taking your time to read this i do hope it meant something :s 


yasmin x

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